The democrats in the U.S. and liberals in Canada are in favor of all kinds of diversity except of opinion. That is considered heresy to them.

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Aug 7Edited

Thanks for this, as I am tired of the endless slander of everyone, just because they have different beliefs.

I was interested in J.D. Vance's position on labour, as it is nuanced. High Taxes, in and of themselves will do nothing for the poor, as all high taxes will do is make more money available to the Upper Middle Class Academics, Bureaucrats, and Government contractors, without actually changing anything for the poor. A lot of consultants will be hired to write white papers, a lot new NGO's will be formed, and nothing of substance will happen.

The real issue is "Concentration of Power". When ever power is concentrated, the gap between rich and poor grows. Why, because it is inevitable that those who have that concentrated power use that power to propagate their power at the expense of everyone else. (Just think of the Catholic Church, whose Bishops took a vow of poverty but were government insiders)

High Taxes do nothing to address this. If we could somehow decentralize our system so that power was diffused, this would do far more to address the real issue of poverty. If J.D. Vance is making real effort to do this, he should be supported by people on both the Left and the Right.

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I would also like to point out, that a lot of people on the left, will personally benefit from High Taxes, as they would be the people who get to administer the money generated by those High Taxes.

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Love this description of the left: "Upper Middle Class Academics, Bureaucrats, and Government contractors"

I would add: Non-profit executives to the list. Many of them feed from the trough of soft government money.

Lastly, I would add that they all get support from the big corporations as increased corporate taxes have a proportionately larger adverse impact on their small competitors, and increased taxes in general allow the government to fund more individual social payments that put pressure off these big corporations from paying higher labor wages.

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