Frank and John's comments are spot on. And, as Tara often points out, the paths laid out for women are usually traps.
And, it's much worse for men. And a reason I found this interview grating. Yes, he points out these awful stats, but they are just recited sterilely. Like they occur in isolation. IMHO, they are the direct result of decades of demonization of males, of denigration of males (esp in schools, by female teachers), and outright overt and unapologetic discrimination against males in the workplace. It would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic, but 23 yo women think they are entitled to these preferences because they somehow have been discriminated against (and I no doubt believe they sincerely believe it since they are told it from toddler-hood), when the system is actually rigged in their favor. Or, they irrationally believe they are entitled to reverse discrimination because their grandmothers faced discrimination. The horror stories I hear from younger people (mostly Dems, btw) about how men are treated in the workplace are just stunning.
And, you both blather on about how "women are still sexually harassed in the workplace", yada yada yada. According to whom? Who gets to define "harassed"? The stories I hear from my non-partisan younger folks is of work environments where men are afraid to say anything critical of a female coworker or boss out of fear of a charge of "disrespect", "talking over", "dismissing" or other Kafkaesque responses. They are Kafka Traps.
I hear stories of guys who have applied for promotions only to be told that the position has already been held for a DEI or female applicant. So, a) don't bother applying and b) it would look bad if you applied now that you know this. A highly competent young man I know applied for a horizontal promotion in a F500 company. He was told the spot was reserved for an incompetent black female. "But, hey, how would you like to work directly under her? With your expertise you'll be able to do damage control." Several Directors called (note I say called, not emailed or texted) him to apologize for the obvious insult. And that's the thing. Most people in these institutions do not support this crap. But, they fear for their careers. I'm praying for 10s of thousands of successful multi million dollar discrimination lawsuits to end this divisive madness. Maybe under Trump, but who knows what that guy will do.
Giving women this immense unaccountable power has the entirely predictable results that many will abuse it. It's not because they are bad people (tho obviously some are; or are emotionally or mentally unstable), but because they are human, and humans rarely handle unbridled power well.
Just an exceedingly disappointing interview. And what's most disappointing is that both Tara and Zaid probably think this is somehow brave or hard-hitting. I'll grant you that when you have guys on who talk about the open unapologetic demonization of males, from grade school to the corporations. How males are told to apologize for being male. And, yeah, it's not every teacher. But how many is too many? My answer? One. But there are tens of thousands preaching this crap, overtly or covertly. How does that make young males feel? About themselves. About females. If you wanted to create a generation of angry misogynists, this is how you'd do it.
I'm glad I'm 66. I'm glad my kids/kids in law are happily married, reasonable, and likely to be solid parents to my 4 (as of now) grandchildren. I do keep reminding them to NOT trust their schools. To be actively aware of what their children are being taught. To watch their TV shows and videos with them, because they are almost all propaganda.
What an awful time to be a traditional Classical Liberal. I'm glad my mom, an ardent 2nd Wave feminist, (and ardent civil rights advocate; her college roommate was Lorraine Hansberry) is not here to see this. Her head would explode.
Thank you for putting into words the thoughts that were going around in my head. This interview is a very wishy-washy start to the discussion of challenges men face and I hope Tara's next guests are truly hard-hitting and perhaps not so overtly Democrats. It's not just men who are fed up; we women can see this happening too.
I am a founding subscriber to Bari Weiss’ TFP. She has the same blind spot as Tara. Both were canceled because they objected to some aspect of identitarianism. And yet both heavily favor female contributors. I can only assume that they accept as true one of the tenets of identitarian politics, namely that women are victims and thus need to preferentially be given a bigger voice. I’m amazed that such a glaring contradiction isn’t noticed. By someone. Anyone.
Wow! Interesting. I've never thought TH favors let alone "heavily favors" female contributors. And I've noticed she often makes reference to the struggles of boys and men (this interview being just the latest example) which is glaringly absent from both corporate media and most alternative media I follow. As far as I can tell, her concern is both sincere and deeply felt.
Yes. But, both can be true. She can be sincere and deeply felt about these issues yet also not see her own blind spot in favoring (or in the NewSpeak "preferencing") women. And if you are preferencing women you are not going to be able to solve for the problems males face.
FWIW, it was Tara's interviews w two people a year or so ago addressing male issues, and marriage in general that turned me into a subscriber. I'm an intellectual geek. And part of the discussion was that marriage was one of the most successful institutions humans ever invented, as evidenced by its millennia-long existence. But, that it always had a weak spot: namely that one gender was reliant upon the other for financial support. And, w birth control and women firmly in the workforce, those dynamics no longer apply. And the consequences of that are just starting to play out. (So far with largely-unacknowledged negative consequences for both men and women, in addition to the obvious trumpeted plusses)
They also made an intriguing point that if monogamous marriage wasn't societally enforced all these millennia, then the most appealing men would get a disproportionate number of the women. Thus, monogamous marriage was a way to get everyone paired up. That was a very fascinating insight.
Both can be true..agreed. But I still don't see TH as heavily favoring females, but maybe that's just me. As for a couple other points...
"...marriage was one of the most successful institutions humans ever invented, as evidenced by its millennia-long existence. But, that it always had a weak spot: namely that one gender was reliant upon the other for financial support."
I'm no historian, but it seems to me that "financial support" is a relatively recent phenomenon. I don't think it really applies to subsistence farmers and hunter/gatherers of the last several millennia, a period when you say marriage was a successful institution. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume when you say "marriage" you intend some monogamous, life-long commitment? I'm not sure we have strong evidence for such a thing millennia ago, nor strong evidence that other social structures were not also stable and successful.
"They also made an intriguing point that if monogamous marriage wasn't societally enforced all these millennia, then the most appealing men would get a disproportionate number of the women." And these women that they "got" would be happy being one of several (interchangeable? disposable?) wives why exactly? I suspect that, rather than being "societally enforced", monogamy is so prevalent because it suits human nature of both sexes. I suspect it's not universally adhered to for exactly the same reason!
I can’t bring myself to read Bari anymore after her biased reporting in Israel. But I’ve been critical of Tara since subscribing to her, for her failure to look deeper into these issues she’s focussing on, looking to be hard hitting but accepting as true not just the tenet you mentioned, but others as well. You also mentioned this issue has developed over decades of demonization. I’d be interested in knowing more about the origins of that narrative, but Tara doesn’t seem to like going deeper in those directions, preferring instead to assume it all just happened organically and she can spearhead the movement towards true equality by interviewing people who tell us we have to be nicer to each other and listen more. It is grating, you’re totally right.
Yes. Bari is so emotionally blinded by her Jewishness that she's missing the real reason for the rise of what she sees as purely antisemitism. (And in some ways I don't blame my Jewish friends for this, since it looks just like what they've been taught AS would look like.). But, it's really just a logical manifestation of Critical Social Justice theology. And a) this crap is something that the vast majority of Jews supported as long as it didn't affect them uniquely. And b) if they insist on treating it only as AS then the battle will be needlessly long. And if Jews somehow get themselves a special carveout in CSJ Theology (unlikely, but who knows), they'll alienate the rest of us who have been unflinchingly pro-Jewish our whole lives.
I am just surprised that Tara, Bari, etc aren't somehow more self-aware. It's human not to be, but usually we have friends who point things out to us. My definition of a friend is someone who will tell you a hard thing, and you will accept it because you trust your friend. Priceless.
So much madness in the world. The West, the repository of true individual freedom, seems to be collapsing from the inside. The UK is insane. Canada too. AUS/NZ too. The US allows previously unthinkable things like DEI or a President pardoning his influence-peddling son (when the influence he's peddling is his VP father's!!!), and thus really pardoning himself and the rest of the criminal enterprise. Just Third World. And it's not a one-off. Hillary had an illegal unsecured server in her home while she was SecState, and when discovered didn't turn it over to the FBI to see if it had been compromised, but cleaned it w Bleach Bit and then physically destroyed the hard drives etc. And nothing happened. Yet Trump (of whom I am no fanboy!!) gets charged with felonies for what are really misdemeanors, because the Dems have weaponized the justice system. I'm in finance/trading for 43 years. I can tell you without a doubt that every Private Equity firm out there overvalues their holdings, and thus are committing fraud. Trump (like every developer who ever walked the Earth) told the banks his properties were worth more than most people thought. The banks called BS, loaned him less, and he repaid them on time. Yet, he's the felon. Again, scary banana republic stuff.
But, 40% of the country is convinced he's Hitler in waiting, so turn a blind eye to Biden, Hillary, DEI, Soros DAs, etc. I'm 66, so already inclined to view the world darkly. (It's human nature to be overly optimistic when young, and overly pessimistic when old). But, I am also a history buff, and this crap we're doing, and the West general is doing, is textbook first-stage totalitarianism. And Trump's the best we can do to fight it? Pass me the hemlock please.
Now this stuff is interesting reading. Should it be that the comments are better than the piece itself? Tara, take a note from Tom. He’s plumbed more depths in his comments than you’ve done over several articles.
Agreed on Bari Weiss being blinded by her Jewishness. Agreed on the scary banana republic stuff. But pass the hemlock? Surely as a 66 year old history buff you recognize that this is not humanities first go round with totalitarianism, nor is it likely the last (possibly, given the potential for nuclear armageddon, but not likely). So buck up, live your best life, and pass the popcorn.
Females made the mistake of thinking that the grass was greener where men stood. Not only was the role of male more difficult than women assumed, but it also was a terrible fit for females in many, if not most, cases. But instead of admitting it, the female power trip pushed radical woke ideas and pushed bad ideas like DEI... with the goal of destroying the grass where men stood so that females could replace them in a better fitting pasture of lower merit.
In my life I have noted a ubiquitous problem with females not happy or not satisfied that they cannot accurately answer the questions "what do you want?" Because they cannot accurately answer the question, the lazy answer is often "everything". So they pursue everything and they are still not happy or satisfied because nobody can have everything. But instead of accepting the good in life, they rage and want to tear down the system because they cannot have everything.
I understand that in Finland, the reported happiest country on the planet, and one that has the most progressive women's rights, more educated women chose to be stay at home mothers. It seems to me that the next phase in the women's rights movement, the 4th wave, might be this turn back to biological realities and advocacy for social and economic policy progress that provides more support for women that opt for these more traditional biologically-correct roles.
In my career, I have had the pleasure of working for and with some of the most capable and talented females. There should never be any gender bias in professional roles... it should always be a decision in hiring and promotion that is 100% based only on merit. But more times than I can count, talented and capable women I know have left the competitive career path and taken the path of marriage and motherhood and have reported much greater life happiness and satisfaction.
Conversely I know many families where the husband stayed home to raise the children and every one of them got a divorce. My assessment of that situation is that the role was not a good fit for the husband, and the wife lost respect for her husband in that role.
Again, biology is a bitch with respect to the feminist drive to dominate the world.
Culturally, we have a thing about day care. Here in Canada, having professionals (strangers) raise your children is seen as a good thing. Our federal government seems to feel that having Professionals who do not love your children care for them, is right and natural.
Other cultures do not see this this way, and choose instead to have grandma & grandpa care for children while the parents who are in the prime of their working lives go to work. I see Philippino's, Eastern Europeans, and South Americans do this every day.
In other words, if we focused on what is good for our families, and our communities we would make different choices about how we live our lives & professional careers than we do. But instead we are trapped into doing things that are good for no one, because some how that is how things are done.
I am for subsidized day care from government for citizens until the children get to grade school and then a reduced amount until they reach an age where they can care for themselves a few hours a day while mother and father work. But only when the parents are working.
This is not new. Research shows that DVA against men goes back decades. It's just under reported and so its dynamics not widely understood. Thank you for bringing this to light.
This statement is true for everyone. It is true for men, and it is true for women. Feminism the last 20 years has brought forward the idea that Women are perfect, and if only women were in charge the world would be perfect. In so doing, they did women a disservice. Women, just like men as they mature need to come to terms with their own capacity to do wrong. Their own capacity to hurt other people. Their own capacity to be hubristic.
In the past, our society told men that they were the head of the woman, and many men interpreted that to mean that what ever they did was right, because men were somehow endowed with the authority of God.
As a man, one of the things that drove me crazy about women in leadership roles, is that they seemed to think that as leaders they should act like the most Macho Authoritarian Men in their lives and then they would be good leaders. Instead of embracing all that was good about being a women in leadership, they emulated the worst qualities of male leadership.
Fundamentally, as humans (Female & male) we need to have humility & grace as we walk this earth knowing that all of us get things wrong.
Ha ! That's probably the (mentally) healthiest choice.
If I didn't have grandchildren I'd probably just say "eff em". As HL Mencken purportedly said, "People get the govt they deserve; good and hard." ; )
As I said, I'm concerned because I have grandchildren. For two reasons: history shows these mass delusions can last for generations. And, it's happening in the entirety of the West; the repository of Enlightenment Values. I think Communism fell because people learned that Westerners were living much better lives. If the West falls, who will the new serfs have to use as an example that things can be better?
I was just discussing w my GF this morning that if I had a few extra million dollars laying around I'd buy hard copies of every Great Book, Great Philosopher, History, pre-2020 medical and scientific textbooks, etc, and store them in a dry sealed cave in the US SW. Waiting for the day sanity returns and lost knowledge retrieved.
I'm a retired trader. I look at things probabilistically. The odds of a complete Western implosion aren't great. But the consequences are catastrophic. It's like playing Russian Roulette with a cylinder with 50 chambers and one bullet. Odds are you won't lose; but if you do, it's catastrophic.
thanks for your response. I should try to keep it in mind. : )
Most of the attacks upon men and masculinity are from far-left woke people who hate men and Western society in general. I don't take them seriously nor should anyone else.
Frank and John's comments are spot on. And, as Tara often points out, the paths laid out for women are usually traps.
And, it's much worse for men. And a reason I found this interview grating. Yes, he points out these awful stats, but they are just recited sterilely. Like they occur in isolation. IMHO, they are the direct result of decades of demonization of males, of denigration of males (esp in schools, by female teachers), and outright overt and unapologetic discrimination against males in the workplace. It would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic, but 23 yo women think they are entitled to these preferences because they somehow have been discriminated against (and I no doubt believe they sincerely believe it since they are told it from toddler-hood), when the system is actually rigged in their favor. Or, they irrationally believe they are entitled to reverse discrimination because their grandmothers faced discrimination. The horror stories I hear from younger people (mostly Dems, btw) about how men are treated in the workplace are just stunning.
And, you both blather on about how "women are still sexually harassed in the workplace", yada yada yada. According to whom? Who gets to define "harassed"? The stories I hear from my non-partisan younger folks is of work environments where men are afraid to say anything critical of a female coworker or boss out of fear of a charge of "disrespect", "talking over", "dismissing" or other Kafkaesque responses. They are Kafka Traps.
I hear stories of guys who have applied for promotions only to be told that the position has already been held for a DEI or female applicant. So, a) don't bother applying and b) it would look bad if you applied now that you know this. A highly competent young man I know applied for a horizontal promotion in a F500 company. He was told the spot was reserved for an incompetent black female. "But, hey, how would you like to work directly under her? With your expertise you'll be able to do damage control." Several Directors called (note I say called, not emailed or texted) him to apologize for the obvious insult. And that's the thing. Most people in these institutions do not support this crap. But, they fear for their careers. I'm praying for 10s of thousands of successful multi million dollar discrimination lawsuits to end this divisive madness. Maybe under Trump, but who knows what that guy will do.
Giving women this immense unaccountable power has the entirely predictable results that many will abuse it. It's not because they are bad people (tho obviously some are; or are emotionally or mentally unstable), but because they are human, and humans rarely handle unbridled power well.
Just an exceedingly disappointing interview. And what's most disappointing is that both Tara and Zaid probably think this is somehow brave or hard-hitting. I'll grant you that when you have guys on who talk about the open unapologetic demonization of males, from grade school to the corporations. How males are told to apologize for being male. And, yeah, it's not every teacher. But how many is too many? My answer? One. But there are tens of thousands preaching this crap, overtly or covertly. How does that make young males feel? About themselves. About females. If you wanted to create a generation of angry misogynists, this is how you'd do it.
I'm glad I'm 66. I'm glad my kids/kids in law are happily married, reasonable, and likely to be solid parents to my 4 (as of now) grandchildren. I do keep reminding them to NOT trust their schools. To be actively aware of what their children are being taught. To watch their TV shows and videos with them, because they are almost all propaganda.
What an awful time to be a traditional Classical Liberal. I'm glad my mom, an ardent 2nd Wave feminist, (and ardent civil rights advocate; her college roommate was Lorraine Hansberry) is not here to see this. Her head would explode.
Thank you for putting into words the thoughts that were going around in my head. This interview is a very wishy-washy start to the discussion of challenges men face and I hope Tara's next guests are truly hard-hitting and perhaps not so overtly Democrats. It's not just men who are fed up; we women can see this happening too.
Yes. That is one bright spot.
I am a founding subscriber to Bari Weiss’ TFP. She has the same blind spot as Tara. Both were canceled because they objected to some aspect of identitarianism. And yet both heavily favor female contributors. I can only assume that they accept as true one of the tenets of identitarian politics, namely that women are victims and thus need to preferentially be given a bigger voice. I’m amazed that such a glaring contradiction isn’t noticed. By someone. Anyone.
Wow! Interesting. I've never thought TH favors let alone "heavily favors" female contributors. And I've noticed she often makes reference to the struggles of boys and men (this interview being just the latest example) which is glaringly absent from both corporate media and most alternative media I follow. As far as I can tell, her concern is both sincere and deeply felt.
Yes. But, both can be true. She can be sincere and deeply felt about these issues yet also not see her own blind spot in favoring (or in the NewSpeak "preferencing") women. And if you are preferencing women you are not going to be able to solve for the problems males face.
FWIW, it was Tara's interviews w two people a year or so ago addressing male issues, and marriage in general that turned me into a subscriber. I'm an intellectual geek. And part of the discussion was that marriage was one of the most successful institutions humans ever invented, as evidenced by its millennia-long existence. But, that it always had a weak spot: namely that one gender was reliant upon the other for financial support. And, w birth control and women firmly in the workforce, those dynamics no longer apply. And the consequences of that are just starting to play out. (So far with largely-unacknowledged negative consequences for both men and women, in addition to the obvious trumpeted plusses)
They also made an intriguing point that if monogamous marriage wasn't societally enforced all these millennia, then the most appealing men would get a disproportionate number of the women. Thus, monogamous marriage was a way to get everyone paired up. That was a very fascinating insight.
Both can be true..agreed. But I still don't see TH as heavily favoring females, but maybe that's just me. As for a couple other points...
"...marriage was one of the most successful institutions humans ever invented, as evidenced by its millennia-long existence. But, that it always had a weak spot: namely that one gender was reliant upon the other for financial support."
I'm no historian, but it seems to me that "financial support" is a relatively recent phenomenon. I don't think it really applies to subsistence farmers and hunter/gatherers of the last several millennia, a period when you say marriage was a successful institution. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume when you say "marriage" you intend some monogamous, life-long commitment? I'm not sure we have strong evidence for such a thing millennia ago, nor strong evidence that other social structures were not also stable and successful.
"They also made an intriguing point that if monogamous marriage wasn't societally enforced all these millennia, then the most appealing men would get a disproportionate number of the women." And these women that they "got" would be happy being one of several (interchangeable? disposable?) wives why exactly? I suspect that, rather than being "societally enforced", monogamy is so prevalent because it suits human nature of both sexes. I suspect it's not universally adhered to for exactly the same reason!
I can’t bring myself to read Bari anymore after her biased reporting in Israel. But I’ve been critical of Tara since subscribing to her, for her failure to look deeper into these issues she’s focussing on, looking to be hard hitting but accepting as true not just the tenet you mentioned, but others as well. You also mentioned this issue has developed over decades of demonization. I’d be interested in knowing more about the origins of that narrative, but Tara doesn’t seem to like going deeper in those directions, preferring instead to assume it all just happened organically and she can spearhead the movement towards true equality by interviewing people who tell us we have to be nicer to each other and listen more. It is grating, you’re totally right.
Yes. Bari is so emotionally blinded by her Jewishness that she's missing the real reason for the rise of what she sees as purely antisemitism. (And in some ways I don't blame my Jewish friends for this, since it looks just like what they've been taught AS would look like.). But, it's really just a logical manifestation of Critical Social Justice theology. And a) this crap is something that the vast majority of Jews supported as long as it didn't affect them uniquely. And b) if they insist on treating it only as AS then the battle will be needlessly long. And if Jews somehow get themselves a special carveout in CSJ Theology (unlikely, but who knows), they'll alienate the rest of us who have been unflinchingly pro-Jewish our whole lives.
I am just surprised that Tara, Bari, etc aren't somehow more self-aware. It's human not to be, but usually we have friends who point things out to us. My definition of a friend is someone who will tell you a hard thing, and you will accept it because you trust your friend. Priceless.
So much madness in the world. The West, the repository of true individual freedom, seems to be collapsing from the inside. The UK is insane. Canada too. AUS/NZ too. The US allows previously unthinkable things like DEI or a President pardoning his influence-peddling son (when the influence he's peddling is his VP father's!!!), and thus really pardoning himself and the rest of the criminal enterprise. Just Third World. And it's not a one-off. Hillary had an illegal unsecured server in her home while she was SecState, and when discovered didn't turn it over to the FBI to see if it had been compromised, but cleaned it w Bleach Bit and then physically destroyed the hard drives etc. And nothing happened. Yet Trump (of whom I am no fanboy!!) gets charged with felonies for what are really misdemeanors, because the Dems have weaponized the justice system. I'm in finance/trading for 43 years. I can tell you without a doubt that every Private Equity firm out there overvalues their holdings, and thus are committing fraud. Trump (like every developer who ever walked the Earth) told the banks his properties were worth more than most people thought. The banks called BS, loaned him less, and he repaid them on time. Yet, he's the felon. Again, scary banana republic stuff.
But, 40% of the country is convinced he's Hitler in waiting, so turn a blind eye to Biden, Hillary, DEI, Soros DAs, etc. I'm 66, so already inclined to view the world darkly. (It's human nature to be overly optimistic when young, and overly pessimistic when old). But, I am also a history buff, and this crap we're doing, and the West general is doing, is textbook first-stage totalitarianism. And Trump's the best we can do to fight it? Pass me the hemlock please.
Now this stuff is interesting reading. Should it be that the comments are better than the piece itself? Tara, take a note from Tom. He’s plumbed more depths in his comments than you’ve done over several articles.
Agreed on Bari Weiss being blinded by her Jewishness. Agreed on the scary banana republic stuff. But pass the hemlock? Surely as a 66 year old history buff you recognize that this is not humanities first go round with totalitarianism, nor is it likely the last (possibly, given the potential for nuclear armageddon, but not likely). So buck up, live your best life, and pass the popcorn.
Females made the mistake of thinking that the grass was greener where men stood. Not only was the role of male more difficult than women assumed, but it also was a terrible fit for females in many, if not most, cases. But instead of admitting it, the female power trip pushed radical woke ideas and pushed bad ideas like DEI... with the goal of destroying the grass where men stood so that females could replace them in a better fitting pasture of lower merit.
In my life I have noted a ubiquitous problem with females not happy or not satisfied that they cannot accurately answer the questions "what do you want?" Because they cannot accurately answer the question, the lazy answer is often "everything". So they pursue everything and they are still not happy or satisfied because nobody can have everything. But instead of accepting the good in life, they rage and want to tear down the system because they cannot have everything.
I understand that in Finland, the reported happiest country on the planet, and one that has the most progressive women's rights, more educated women chose to be stay at home mothers. It seems to me that the next phase in the women's rights movement, the 4th wave, might be this turn back to biological realities and advocacy for social and economic policy progress that provides more support for women that opt for these more traditional biologically-correct roles.
In my career, I have had the pleasure of working for and with some of the most capable and talented females. There should never be any gender bias in professional roles... it should always be a decision in hiring and promotion that is 100% based only on merit. But more times than I can count, talented and capable women I know have left the competitive career path and taken the path of marriage and motherhood and have reported much greater life happiness and satisfaction.
Conversely I know many families where the husband stayed home to raise the children and every one of them got a divorce. My assessment of that situation is that the role was not a good fit for the husband, and the wife lost respect for her husband in that role.
Again, biology is a bitch with respect to the feminist drive to dominate the world.
Culturally, we have a thing about day care. Here in Canada, having professionals (strangers) raise your children is seen as a good thing. Our federal government seems to feel that having Professionals who do not love your children care for them, is right and natural.
Other cultures do not see this this way, and choose instead to have grandma & grandpa care for children while the parents who are in the prime of their working lives go to work. I see Philippino's, Eastern Europeans, and South Americans do this every day.
In other words, if we focused on what is good for our families, and our communities we would make different choices about how we live our lives & professional careers than we do. But instead we are trapped into doing things that are good for no one, because some how that is how things are done.
I am for subsidized day care from government for citizens until the children get to grade school and then a reduced amount until they reach an age where they can care for themselves a few hours a day while mother and father work. But only when the parents are working.
This is not new. Research shows that DVA against men goes back decades. It's just under reported and so its dynamics not widely understood. Thank you for bringing this to light.
All have sinned & come short of the Glory of God.
This statement is true for everyone. It is true for men, and it is true for women. Feminism the last 20 years has brought forward the idea that Women are perfect, and if only women were in charge the world would be perfect. In so doing, they did women a disservice. Women, just like men as they mature need to come to terms with their own capacity to do wrong. Their own capacity to hurt other people. Their own capacity to be hubristic.
In the past, our society told men that they were the head of the woman, and many men interpreted that to mean that what ever they did was right, because men were somehow endowed with the authority of God.
As a man, one of the things that drove me crazy about women in leadership roles, is that they seemed to think that as leaders they should act like the most Macho Authoritarian Men in their lives and then they would be good leaders. Instead of embracing all that was good about being a women in leadership, they emulated the worst qualities of male leadership.
Fundamentally, as humans (Female & male) we need to have humility & grace as we walk this earth knowing that all of us get things wrong.
Ha ! That's probably the (mentally) healthiest choice.
If I didn't have grandchildren I'd probably just say "eff em". As HL Mencken purportedly said, "People get the govt they deserve; good and hard." ; )
As I said, I'm concerned because I have grandchildren. For two reasons: history shows these mass delusions can last for generations. And, it's happening in the entirety of the West; the repository of Enlightenment Values. I think Communism fell because people learned that Westerners were living much better lives. If the West falls, who will the new serfs have to use as an example that things can be better?
I was just discussing w my GF this morning that if I had a few extra million dollars laying around I'd buy hard copies of every Great Book, Great Philosopher, History, pre-2020 medical and scientific textbooks, etc, and store them in a dry sealed cave in the US SW. Waiting for the day sanity returns and lost knowledge retrieved.
I'm a retired trader. I look at things probabilistically. The odds of a complete Western implosion aren't great. But the consequences are catastrophic. It's like playing Russian Roulette with a cylinder with 50 chambers and one bullet. Odds are you won't lose; but if you do, it's catastrophic.
thanks for your response. I should try to keep it in mind. : )
Most of the attacks upon men and masculinity are from far-left woke people who hate men and Western society in general. I don't take them seriously nor should anyone else.