Been eagerly awaiting this one, can't wait to listen (don't see it on Spotify yet)

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Should be there any moment now...

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How about the unrelenting climate of fear with which we've been inundated since September 2001? First it was "Al Qaeda", then the generic "terrorists", then "the recession", then "Isis", then "the pandemic", then "Russian operatives", or "Putin", or "the Chinese"or "CLIMATE CHANGE"...Given the abstract nature of many of these catch phrases we can be forgiven for thinking that there's a coordinated effort by governments and a compliant 24 hour news cycle to keep us in a continuous state of fear; social media have only amplified an existing trend. When you factor in the government's banal promotion of medically assisted suicide as a panacea there's no one offering a message of hope. Even if it isn't deliberate, that's the net effect. I was born in '58 so I came up with "the bomb" and the appalling assassinations of the 1960s but I didn't feel as utterly hopeless then as I do now.

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yes the interweb and cell phones have amplified the doom and gloom messages x a billion , it is no wonder we have a generation of idiots gluing themselves to roadways destroying SUVś Fear and the 24/7 message works , always has In the past. And it is world wide not localized as in the past

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“Depression is feeling without thinking.” Brilliant! I have not heard that definition before.

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Another excellent interview. I read and listen widely and was unsatisfied with explanations of generational difference, but I realized after listening here that the issue is quality data. Millennials saying they are hooped financially and boomers complaining the kids these days don't care all gets old after a while without receipts. And there were a few surprises for me here: Us GenX apparently have 'better' self-esteem? LOL, who knew.

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