It's only logical: deadly bat virus suddenly appears a 1,000 feet from the lab in Wuhan where the bat virus is studied (and manipulated to make deadlier) yet 1,000 MILES from the bat cave where its original version likely came from and yet the MSM points to people who point this out i the Spring of 2020 (like me) as "conspiracy theoris…
It's only logical: deadly bat virus suddenly appears a 1,000 feet from the lab in Wuhan where the bat virus is studied (and manipulated to make deadlier) yet 1,000 MILES from the bat cave where its original version likely came from and yet the MSM points to people who point this out i the Spring of 2020 (like me) as "conspiracy theorists" and even "racists" (thank you, Dr. Tamm).
Why have so many people living in Western democracies forfeited their ability to be rational and to do a bit of their own thinking rather than bowing and shutting up?
Decadence: Credentialed urbanites larping civil war. They are terrified that "new canadians 😉" will stop delivering industrial food to the front door of their papier-mache debt-pods. Running outside double-masked in their pajamas to coloured recycling bins is their Vietnam. Recycling bins, I might add, that are magically emptied every week.
It's only logical: deadly bat virus suddenly appears a 1,000 feet from the lab in Wuhan where the bat virus is studied (and manipulated to make deadlier) yet 1,000 MILES from the bat cave where its original version likely came from and yet the MSM points to people who point this out i the Spring of 2020 (like me) as "conspiracy theorists" and even "racists" (thank you, Dr. Tamm).
Why have so many people living in Western democracies forfeited their ability to be rational and to do a bit of their own thinking rather than bowing and shutting up?
Decadence: Credentialed urbanites larping civil war. They are terrified that "new canadians 😉" will stop delivering industrial food to the front door of their papier-mache debt-pods. Running outside double-masked in their pajamas to coloured recycling bins is their Vietnam. Recycling bins, I might add, that are magically emptied every week.
"papier-mache debt-pods" - gold
Dr Tamm is the absolute worst. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd totally say she's a Chinese plant.