As I watch the printed digital and broadcast media print hate speech under the guise of "news" without facts and Opinion Columns with definite leading hate questions like " Should the Unvaxed be jailed?" opinion poll ( opinion column) put out by the Ottawa Citizen ( screw name protection when you are putting out $*&t like this) I wond…
As I watch the printed digital and broadcast media print hate speech under the guise of "news" without facts and Opinion Columns with definite leading hate questions like " Should the Unvaxed be jailed?" opinion poll ( opinion column) put out by the Ottawa Citizen ( screw name protection when you are putting out $*&t like this) I wonder if they would do that if it concerned race, religion, class, gender etc... When you identify a group of people and incite hatred, encourage low level thinkers and reactionaries you might as well be the Jerry Springer show and hanging up your credibility at the door and never return.
Sadly I had a friend the verb is past tense. Who died on Sunday from the booster ( aka the shot again). She had a heart attack with no previous medical history of any type of heart conditions. She received the shot on Wednesday and was saying she was feeling terrible by Sunday afternoon she disappeared. it took 5 calls to the hospital to finally get them to move and identity her in the morgue. Many others I know who have had the shots and are having adverse reactions are not believed by family, so called friends and so called medical staff. The shot is linked to heart attacks and bloodclots along with many other factors.It is easier to deny and remain comfortable then accept and frightening truth When seeking treatment they remain untreated in the hospitals for the most part (at least all the people I know)There is no money or kick backs in it for treatment.
If you want the deadliest virus it is not covid. It was the Ebola, The Spanish Flu 1918, the bubonic plague and many others. For 99.8% of the population the world over Covid is just a flu with a smoke screen added onto it for political and monetary gain What is killing people is the mRNA shots, governments, unethical medical so called professionals, blind herd mentality and active discrimination. Genes aren't viruses The real virus is fear and complacency
For links between the monetary investment and gains and why so many alternatives are being blocked We have a company that produces the LNP casing for the mRNA to stabilize it. The mRNA is not stable it has to be frozen and encased This where B.C lab's Acuitas Theraptuics comes in owned by Arbtus comes in “Company Description: Acuitas Therapeutics Inc is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is part of the Scientific Research and Development Services Industry. "Acuitas Therapeutics Inc has 8 total employees across all of its locations and generates $1.88 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the Acuitas Therapeutics Inc corporate family. “
The Canadian Federal Governemnt is heavily invested and involved with this company Here is their agreement "The Company entered into a Technology Partnerships Canada (“TPC”) agreement with the Canadian Federal Government on November 12, 1999. Under this agreement, TPC agreed to fund 27% of the costs incurred by the Company, prior to March 31, 2004, in the development of certain oligonucleotide product candidates up to a maximum contribution from TPC of $7.2 million (C$9.3 million). The Company received a cumulative contribution of $2.7 million (C$3.7 million). In return for the funding provided by TPC, the Company agreed to pay royalties on the share of future licensing and product revenue, if any, that is received by the Company on certain non-RNAi oligonucleotide product candidates covered by the funding under the agreement. " Read link for further info
A further link is with Pzifer Moderna is also involved with this company "This release contains forward-looking information about the potential of mRNA-LNP technology and a development and option agreement under which Pfizer will have the option to license, on a non-exclusive basis, Acuitas’ LNP technology for up to 10
targets for vaccine or therapeutic development, including their potential benefits, that involves substantial risks and uncertainties that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements" Read link for more info
" 2014-16CASPER-PCV (Calgary Area Streptococcus pneumoniaeEpidemiology Research-Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) Study V –Continuation of Surveillance and Analysis of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD), Pneumococcal Related Disease (PRD) and Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization in Canada.Investigators: JD Kellner,OG Vanderkooi, DL Church, J MacDonald. Funding: $593,630.Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (Investigator Initiated Research).
2017-19CASPER-PCV (Calgary Area Streptococcus pneumoniaeEpidemiology Research-Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) Study VI–Surveillance and Analysis of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD), Pneumococcal Related Disease (PRD) and Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization in Canada.Investigators: JD Kellner, OG Vanderkooi,J MacDonald. Funding: $559,809.Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (Investigator Initiated Research).
CASPER-PCV (Calgary Area Streptococcus pneumoniae Epidemiology Research-Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)Study VI Extension – Surveillance and Analysis of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD), Pneumococcal Related Disease (PRD) and Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization in Canada.Investigators: JD Kellner, OG Vanderkooi, J Hu.Funding: $787,004. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (Investigator Initiated Research)"
All of this is public information you just have to look it up
It really doesn't matter, at this point, where this bioweapon originated. If you have taken the jab, look up ways to detox and to build up your immunity and general health. If you are vax free, stay that way.
I am jab free and planning to stay that way. I responded to an earlier post of Tara's about it This is a very complicated issue whether someone has had the jab or for those who have not. Not everyone and this includes my friends with the jab is on board with the hatred and blame. some are actively fighting it.
Many who are "vaccinated" (it is not a vaccine) will shortly be unvaccinated - will have to take every booster to keep their pass active. And then who knows what is next: mandatory vasectomy? mandatory euthanasia at age 75? mandatory relinquishment of children to the state? mandatory "donation" of one's assets to the state? Sound insane? Oh Yeah - but the US largely Democrat congress has tabled a bill for the first one. And besides, "you will own nothing and you will be happy." These psychopaths are not fooling around. However, they don't get it that we are of love and of spirit, powerful beyond measure. And as David Icke continues to say, "We ain't havin' it!"
You talkin' to me, sister? Colour me bro. To be clear, this ain't no pointless rant. It's a great big pile o' truth - the truth of their deluded plan that is. What so many in Canada don't seem to grasp is that gropin' Justin of the visage noir is a front man for the cult. Sorry - but he just is. Now what was that you were saying? And how do you put emojis on here?
Me, too - hope you caught the fun and irony in my response to you. I am more grateful for humour than I can say. Trudeau is spewing the hateful talking points from Uncle Klaus. I so appreciate the depth of your knowledge of what is really going on - gives us a common language. Are you familiar with Barbara Marx Hubbard, advisor to Klaus Schwab? Here's a taste: "One fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the human body. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy..."
This should provide in significant measure clarity re: the motives behind the delusionary plans of the psychopathic eugenics cult. I thank God that I am, for the most part, immune to propaganda and mass formation. I am no longer mincing words, and I laugh more. Glad to connect with you here in the CBC whistle blower forum. No more coddling. Truth matters. Truth sets us free.
Your right. Lately there have been people I know called asking whats in the shot and they were told they were not allowed to tell them. Which is against informed consent and nullifies any signed liability immediately. Liability is based upon providing all information the good, the bad the ugly and the in between. The shot after this constitutes bodily assault with fraudulent practice.
Hi Jewel Thank you I and another who aren't jabbed had a private moment of silence for her last night. When I read that. I had the same thoughts as you. In a court of law that is called leading a witness. In a mob it is called inciting and with our current mainstream media trash it is called news
PS I have read many of your thoughtful comments and keep on giving them. I agree with them Two thumbs up :)
As I watch the printed digital and broadcast media print hate speech under the guise of "news" without facts and Opinion Columns with definite leading hate questions like " Should the Unvaxed be jailed?" opinion poll ( opinion column) put out by the Ottawa Citizen ( screw name protection when you are putting out $*&t like this) I wonder if they would do that if it concerned race, religion, class, gender etc... When you identify a group of people and incite hatred, encourage low level thinkers and reactionaries you might as well be the Jerry Springer show and hanging up your credibility at the door and never return.
Sadly I had a friend the verb is past tense. Who died on Sunday from the booster ( aka the shot again). She had a heart attack with no previous medical history of any type of heart conditions. She received the shot on Wednesday and was saying she was feeling terrible by Sunday afternoon she disappeared. it took 5 calls to the hospital to finally get them to move and identity her in the morgue. Many others I know who have had the shots and are having adverse reactions are not believed by family, so called friends and so called medical staff. The shot is linked to heart attacks and bloodclots along with many other factors.It is easier to deny and remain comfortable then accept and frightening truth When seeking treatment they remain untreated in the hospitals for the most part (at least all the people I know)There is no money or kick backs in it for treatment.
If you want the deadliest virus it is not covid. It was the Ebola, The Spanish Flu 1918, the bubonic plague and many others. For 99.8% of the population the world over Covid is just a flu with a smoke screen added onto it for political and monetary gain What is killing people is the mRNA shots, governments, unethical medical so called professionals, blind herd mentality and active discrimination. Genes aren't viruses The real virus is fear and complacency
For links between the monetary investment and gains and why so many alternatives are being blocked We have a company that produces the LNP casing for the mRNA to stabilize it. The mRNA is not stable it has to be frozen and encased This where B.C lab's Acuitas Theraptuics comes in owned by Arbtus comes in “Company Description: Acuitas Therapeutics Inc is located in Vancouver, BC, Canada and is part of the Scientific Research and Development Services Industry. "Acuitas Therapeutics Inc has 8 total employees across all of its locations and generates $1.88 million in sales (USD). (Sales figure is modelled). There are 2 companies in the Acuitas Therapeutics Inc corporate family. “
The Canadian Federal Governemnt is heavily invested and involved with this company Here is their agreement "The Company entered into a Technology Partnerships Canada (“TPC”) agreement with the Canadian Federal Government on November 12, 1999. Under this agreement, TPC agreed to fund 27% of the costs incurred by the Company, prior to March 31, 2004, in the development of certain oligonucleotide product candidates up to a maximum contribution from TPC of $7.2 million (C$9.3 million). The Company received a cumulative contribution of $2.7 million (C$3.7 million). In return for the funding provided by TPC, the Company agreed to pay royalties on the share of future licensing and product revenue, if any, that is received by the Company on certain non-RNAi oligonucleotide product candidates covered by the funding under the agreement. " Read link for further info
A further link is with Pzifer Moderna is also involved with this company "This release contains forward-looking information about the potential of mRNA-LNP technology and a development and option agreement under which Pfizer will have the option to license, on a non-exclusive basis, Acuitas’ LNP technology for up to 10
targets for vaccine or therapeutic development, including their potential benefits, that involves substantial risks and uncertainties that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements" Read link for more info
In order to peddle via media the efficacy of their mRNA the financed certain Dr.'s including one Dr. Jim Keller to the tune of 2 million dollars. He never disclosed his conflict of interest while doing this. This is found on his resume
" 2014-16CASPER-PCV (Calgary Area Streptococcus pneumoniaeEpidemiology Research-Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) Study V –Continuation of Surveillance and Analysis of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD), Pneumococcal Related Disease (PRD) and Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization in Canada.Investigators: JD Kellner,OG Vanderkooi, DL Church, J MacDonald. Funding: $593,630.Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (Investigator Initiated Research).
2017-19CASPER-PCV (Calgary Area Streptococcus pneumoniaeEpidemiology Research-Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine) Study VI–Surveillance and Analysis of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD), Pneumococcal Related Disease (PRD) and Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization in Canada.Investigators: JD Kellner, OG Vanderkooi,J MacDonald. Funding: $559,809.Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (Investigator Initiated Research).
CASPER-PCV (Calgary Area Streptococcus pneumoniae Epidemiology Research-Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine)Study VI Extension – Surveillance and Analysis of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD), Pneumococcal Related Disease (PRD) and Nasopharyngeal (NP) Colonization in Canada.Investigators: JD Kellner, OG Vanderkooi, J Hu.Funding: $787,004. Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (Investigator Initiated Research)"
All of this is public information you just have to look it up
It really doesn't matter, at this point, where this bioweapon originated. If you have taken the jab, look up ways to detox and to build up your immunity and general health. If you are vax free, stay that way.
I am jab free and planning to stay that way. I responded to an earlier post of Tara's about it This is a very complicated issue whether someone has had the jab or for those who have not. Not everyone and this includes my friends with the jab is on board with the hatred and blame. some are actively fighting it.
Many who are "vaccinated" (it is not a vaccine) will shortly be unvaccinated - will have to take every booster to keep their pass active. And then who knows what is next: mandatory vasectomy? mandatory euthanasia at age 75? mandatory relinquishment of children to the state? mandatory "donation" of one's assets to the state? Sound insane? Oh Yeah - but the US largely Democrat congress has tabled a bill for the first one. And besides, "you will own nothing and you will be happy." These psychopaths are not fooling around. However, they don't get it that we are of love and of spirit, powerful beyond measure. And as David Icke continues to say, "We ain't havin' it!"
Yeah LOL I slipped once or twice. I usually shot,jab rarer innoculation because that can easily be confused
You talkin' to me, sister? Colour me bro. To be clear, this ain't no pointless rant. It's a great big pile o' truth - the truth of their deluded plan that is. What so many in Canada don't seem to grasp is that gropin' Justin of the visage noir is a front man for the cult. Sorry - but he just is. Now what was that you were saying? And how do you put emojis on here?
Me, too - hope you caught the fun and irony in my response to you. I am more grateful for humour than I can say. Trudeau is spewing the hateful talking points from Uncle Klaus. I so appreciate the depth of your knowledge of what is really going on - gives us a common language. Are you familiar with Barbara Marx Hubbard, advisor to Klaus Schwab? Here's a taste: "One fourth of humanity must be eliminated from the human body. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy..."
This should provide in significant measure clarity re: the motives behind the delusionary plans of the psychopathic eugenics cult. I thank God that I am, for the most part, immune to propaganda and mass formation. I am no longer mincing words, and I laugh more. Glad to connect with you here in the CBC whistle blower forum. No more coddling. Truth matters. Truth sets us free.
And therefore received the jab sans informed consent - and that would be assault.
Your right. Lately there have been people I know called asking whats in the shot and they were told they were not allowed to tell them. Which is against informed consent and nullifies any signed liability immediately. Liability is based upon providing all information the good, the bad the ugly and the in between. The shot after this constitutes bodily assault with fraudulent practice.
And so people must do their own due diligence re: informed consent. Those who want you dead are not likely to give a shit about it -or you.
Hi Jewel Thank you I and another who aren't jabbed had a private moment of silence for her last night. When I read that. I had the same thoughts as you. In a court of law that is called leading a witness. In a mob it is called inciting and with our current mainstream media trash it is called news
PS I have read many of your thoughtful comments and keep on giving them. I agree with them Two thumbs up :)