Without name calling and without invoking a higher power, would posters please tell me why we view drug addicts as a focus of significant attention. It seems to me that, altho' very harsh, overdose has replaced and sidened capital punishment.
Without name calling and without invoking a higher power, would posters please tell me why we view drug addicts as a focus of significant attention. It seems to me that, altho' very harsh, overdose has replaced and sidened capital punishment.
Without name calling and without invoking a higher power, would posters please tell me why we view drug addicts as a focus of significant attention. It seems to me that, altho' very harsh, overdose has replaced and sidened capital punishment.
First they came for the infected and I said nothing.
Then they came for the unmasked and I said nothing.
Then they came for the unjabbed and I said nothing.
Then they came for the unboosted and I said nothing.
Now they're coming for the infants-- Quick! Look over there. Poor people.