Cannabis is the news now. Things being reported about it that many of us already knew but the media has been resistant to report it… probably because the media is owned by people that also have a big stake in legalized pot.

Bottom line is that legalization was a mistake. Add it to the list of harmful drugs damaging and killing our people… generally young people.

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We need to find a balance between demonizing drug use and offering safe supply. Neither option is going to help all that much. I mean, look at the war on drugs! Look at what’s happened to San Francisco (Vancouver...any other major liberal city...)! How about offering treatment? Maybe even *gasp* mandating IT instead of prison?

Call me cynical, but my life has been harshly touched by this crisis. How about the government using some of the money they make off the illegal drug trade and putting it toward treatment?! Not *here are free and safe drugs* “treatment”...but real treatment that gets people more OFF the garbage?

Oh! Cause the garbage makes the money.

Thank you both for covering this issue.

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I believe most safe consumption sites do not supply the drugs. That being said it does seem like a slippery slope. I assumed they did at first, and the media and politicians certainly dont do a good job of making that distinction. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/substance-use/supervised-consumption-sites/explained.html

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Yes, from what I understand most of those sites do not supply the drugs. I also know, from someone close to me who struggles, that they can be difficult places. For example, this person has been stolen from or threatened with violence many times at a supervised site. It's a good spot to ensure someone doesn't die immediately from an OD, though. But of course they have limited hours, and their own drawbacks I guess. Anyway, I think it's a "good", but it's not enough by itself, and I wonder how much it just feeds into the criminal drug pushing! We need more treatment options, not just drug use sustaining options.

There have also been incidents here in Vancouver free drugs were given out, right outside a police station! Not an ongoing thing, as far as I know, but a peculiar choice.


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Tara - I am shocked that you found this of interest. How old are you ?

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as usual perfessor knows it all , go to gilligans island they need you . i lived the life for yeas please get off your high horse live with these people then come back and talk , yuor studies mean nothing you know nothing about these people ,but what they feel you want to hear .

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"prohibited them from having certain professions... prohibited them from engaging in certain types of employment... required employers to keep lists..."

Wait. I'm confused. Is Herr Professor talking about the old racial discrimination or current immune system discrimination?

I suppose our current elites are more enlightened than those old Nazi elites cause they don't see race when they segregate the Unclean.

And all this from one who "identifies as conservative." That's progress I guess.

Good night Thems and Theys! Don't forget to try the cricket burgers and oat milk.

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Society is sick. Unfortunately removing any criminality for drug use will not change tragic outcomes. There needs to be on demand treatment and as he mentioned, root causes need to be addressed. Wasting money on changing laws and policies can be better spent.

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I'll admit I didn't listen to this podcast right away because the topic feels so removed from me. But this certainly sheds light on the approach of safe injection sites. I didn't understand that approach at all before; and agree we should be looking for root causes/trama of why people turn to drugs rather than demonizing drug users. The comparison to alcohol and the prohibition is insightful. Family, friendships, connectivity, integrity, compassion - these are the values we need to protect.

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Once upon a time we had families in Canada! They would take care of each other, now we pay consultants and other committees to do the job at a cost. As we all know this will not end good.

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Thanks for this. All destigmatizing with actual facts is helpful.

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Without name calling and without invoking a higher power, would posters please tell me why we view drug addicts as a focus of significant attention. It seems to me that, altho' very harsh, overdose has replaced and sidened capital punishment.

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First they came for the infected and I said nothing.

Then they came for the unmasked and I said nothing.

Then they came for the unjabbed and I said nothing.

Then they came for the unboosted and I said nothing.

Now they're coming for the infants-- Quick! Look over there. Poor people.

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Another fantastic discussion.

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