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re: mental disorder. Perfect description. It's not "misogyny" when it's a fact. I'm twice-divorced, with two sons near thirty. Neither has a girlfriend, and believe me, despite the best efforts of my married friends to "fix me up," I'd sooner sleep with a rattlesnake. It's simply too dangerous for a man - young or old - to "date" these days. If some casual sex partner decides ten years later that she now remembers the encounter as regretful, you get your rump hauled into court for The Inquisition. And then there's the prodigious divorce-threat to your finances. No thanks. I'm too old to sleep in my car.

I have too many other fish to fry to waste my time hunting for a partner. There's porn everywhere. If your libido needs tending, the porno girls are prettier, they never say no, and they won't come back on you years later. What's not to like?

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Yikes...that's one way to feed/perpetuate the problem, I suppose..."porno girls are pretteir, they never say no, and they won't come back on you years later." What's not to like? Well, you, Mr. Wills. I hate to be the one to shatter your fantasy, but your pretty porno girls don't like you, either... because they aren't "real", nor is your capacity to connect with other humans who are just as hurt and frustrated as you are. Tragic, really...you might not be sleeping in your car, but you will be sleeping alone. Oh, sorry, not alone...you will have your phone, after all.

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The Courts took me back 30 yrs to be 18 again, with no family all taken away. Starting over again after 13 yrs in Court is not a happy time.

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My two sons have college trust funds, which started out very small but have never used, so they have accumulated considerably in the past thirty years. The trusts were protected from my two divorces, much to my wives' dismay, and I have advised my sons to make CERTAIN that a pre-nup is in place should they ever be foolish enough to marry. Both understand and have agreed. Heed the words of Rod Stewart, "If I ever decide to marry again, I'll just find a woman I don't like and buy her a house."

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Be careful with Trust accounts as the Courts made 3 on me, one with my Mother's WILL plus they set one up after I died and even used that money for every one else. The next one when my Farm was sold and took that money from me in another Trust Account and the 3rd one was when my inherited family home was sold to put me out on to the Street. And WILLS are not your property in Canada.

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Really sorry, man. It's not that bad here yet. But we're getting there.

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