I think most of the politicians know what's going on but they won't tell the journalists or the academics. There is an organized take down of the western societies. They want to save our energy resources for the descendants of the current elite, so they must convince us that we should no longer use energy and yes preferably eat bugs to…
I think most of the politicians know what's going on but they won't tell the journalists or the academics. There is an organized take down of the western societies. They want to save our energy resources for the descendants of the current elite, so they must convince us that we should no longer use energy and yes preferably eat bugs to really cut down on costs. There might be new high tech energy sources to pre-empt this economic take down of the west, but first they want the misery they inflict to help bring in the iron fist control they want. The Bible warns about taking a (QR code) to buy and sell, but thankfully our media and academics are past all that religious stuff.
Jewel, I have a great deal of difficulty with those [I am not saying at all that includes you!] who argue that there is a worldwide WEF agenda and that our politicians are subject to WEF control. Quite frankly, our political class is full of leaks, as is the political class of much of the western world. Even more than leaks, our political class is subject to abject incompetence. To think that they could secretly organize a conspiracy when they couldn't even deal with some recalcitrant (but otherwise law-abiding) truckers is foolish and incomprehensible.
Now, having said all of that, I absolutely accept that there is a "leftish" impulse that is popular and that the WEF endorses and provides "big ideas" to that impulse but to say that the WEF is a "successful" conspiracy - or even a conspiracy at all! - absolutely doesn't work for me.
You are right [in my opinion, at least], that there is a "WEF agenda" but that is simply the (ultimately stupid - remember, my opinion!) "big idea" of this time and place. How long that stupid big idea will be popular and what will replace it I don't know. And, of course, our worsers - not at all our betters! - are egged on by the mainstream media and academics. As to the ignorance of them all, well, I would call them all ignorant, period. Not because of their opinions but their incredibly obtuse inability to see that there are other perspectives which have varying degrees of validity which should be the basis for discussion, not vituperation.
What I DO know is that the current idiocy will change; to what degree and in what direction I cannot predict; it might even become more extreme in the same general direction. What I also DO know is that the current level of mass communication can make populist or anti-populist movements happen more quickly which is perhaps a good or a not so good thing. That is something that I DO NOT know.
Jewel, I - somewhat - agree and - somewhat - disagree with your point.
I quite accept that Schwab said what you say he said. Yup. Agreed.
But, so what? To say that they have "infiltrated" governments is simply another way of saying that they have convinced "our worsers" that the WEF has the "real good idea" of our time. But then we already knew that the government is filled with the "useful idiots" [a phrase from a time when there really was a conspiracy] who have drank the WEF KoolAid.
I simply do not accept that Klaus and his acolytes can control things. They come up with all the looney ideas and sell those ideas as being "good" when those ideas are awful but that doesn't mean that they control anything. We, the citizens have the control - if we choose to exercise that control.
Yup, he wrote a book and did endorse the "Great Reset" but then our politicians have already openly said that they believe in that. What we have here is a group of people - government, academia, media, a lot of the population, etc. - who simply have adopted a goofy economic idea but that doesn't make it a conspiracy; it simply makes it stupid.
As near as I can tell, a conspiracy is a hidden thing, something to which one adheres but denies believing unless and until the hidden idea can be sprung on an unsuspecting public, government, etc. These jokers are out front.
Conspiracies are not necessarily hidden, HG Wells wrote the book called, 'Open Conspiracy' I believe, which would be appropriate to this discussion. Conspire, related to the word Inspire, just means to share the same air or discuss privately. Most criminal or unethical endeavours are kept secret, obviously, although sometimes the technique of "put it in plain sight, they will never believe it" is used.
I guess that would make Keynesian economics a conspiracy. It was a radical new economic theory - in the 1930s and 1940s. It became popular and then, ultimately, became mainstream. Or, the economic theories of Milton Friedman or the economic theories of Arthur Laffer - all of them must then be considered to be conspiracies.
Oh, well, what about the environmental movement! Clearly, that is open; just as clearly, it is an attempt to change the world. Is environmentalism a conspiracy?
Much as I would looooovvve to defame the greenies in that way, I just cannot.
You assert that HG Wells backs up your position. I will quote that international arbiter of all things rational, Mr. Google, who defines a conspiracy as, "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."
I would absolutely argue that the WEF is endorsing something that is harmful to Canada and to the Western World. On the other hand, I would also argue that the Prime Idiot in Ottawa [(you know, the (dis)honorable member for Papineau] is doing a great deal of harm to Canada. Does that make the WEF or the PI conspirators? Nope. They are doing their idiotic and stupid things out in the open and various and sundry Canadians are stupidly and idiotically buying in to them.
In plain sight but not a conspiracy. These guys couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended on them; they trumpet their "virtuous" plans to everyone. And so many people stupidly and idiotically buy in to those plans.
Conspiracy is also a legal term, a very commonly used one. Unfortunately for us laypeople the word conspiracy tends to mean, some wild and highly unlikely event. When it's a routine occurrence. As for the WEF, and to the original point, when people started talking about the WEF a year ago, some journalists and influencers immediately cried CT! Because the idea seemed wild and unlikely to them. However the WEF has a multi million dollar website and video promotion of their plans, hardly a theory. By 2030, we may be in a cashless society, so you will own nothing if they get their way, and they will be happy.
I certainly take your point about the implications of their "plans" but, as you will undoubtedly gather by the fact that I used quotation marks on the word "plans" I do not under any - current - circumstances think that they really are plans. Fond asperations? Desired outcomes? Things toward which they feel the great Valhalla lies? Yes, yes and yes; and yes to much more in the same vein.
The point is, these guys at WEF are dreamers who have persuaded any number of folks in government, academia, the media, citizens at large that they are really, really, I mean really, smart. But they are not. Once some governments start trying to implement some of this idiocy some folks whose ox is about to be gored will start making all sorts of noise and then things will turn.
To what will they turn? Don't know.
What I do know is that these guys - and I truly do include the Prime Idiot - simply don't know what they are doing. Remember, it is truly much easier to destroy a country than to build it up. As a result, these idiots are going to proceed with their agenda until it blows up in their faces, which it will. Then we, the public, will be faced with paying to put Humpty Dumpty together again.
In case you may have missed it, I have absolutely nothing but scorn for the WEF and it's Canadian lowlifes who are trying their best to lead us to a simply awful life.
Discounting let's say... Bigfoot, the lunar landings, Flat Earth and reptilian shape shifters - what conspiracy theories the educated press have rolled their collective eyes at, is not true? It's not that Alex Jones for example needs publicity, he makes millions a month, purportedly, by selling nutritional supplements. An excellent work around for a sick society, held captive by a nutritionally bereft medical establishment. But Alex Jones., for example has been reading news reports from Reuters, the Wall Street Journal etc. every day for 2 decades, that's all he does, and our MSM has contempt for him. They take the easy way out by saying 'gay frogs'. I rarely (take the time) to watch him, but every time I do, I cannot fault him. Jones can run circles around any MSM commentator, because he knows facts, not rumour. Most MSM just parrots rumours given out by the gov't.
I think most of the politicians know what's going on but they won't tell the journalists or the academics. There is an organized take down of the western societies. They want to save our energy resources for the descendants of the current elite, so they must convince us that we should no longer use energy and yes preferably eat bugs to really cut down on costs. There might be new high tech energy sources to pre-empt this economic take down of the west, but first they want the misery they inflict to help bring in the iron fist control they want. The Bible warns about taking a (QR code) to buy and sell, but thankfully our media and academics are past all that religious stuff.
Jewel, I have a great deal of difficulty with those [I am not saying at all that includes you!] who argue that there is a worldwide WEF agenda and that our politicians are subject to WEF control. Quite frankly, our political class is full of leaks, as is the political class of much of the western world. Even more than leaks, our political class is subject to abject incompetence. To think that they could secretly organize a conspiracy when they couldn't even deal with some recalcitrant (but otherwise law-abiding) truckers is foolish and incomprehensible.
Now, having said all of that, I absolutely accept that there is a "leftish" impulse that is popular and that the WEF endorses and provides "big ideas" to that impulse but to say that the WEF is a "successful" conspiracy - or even a conspiracy at all! - absolutely doesn't work for me.
You are right [in my opinion, at least], that there is a "WEF agenda" but that is simply the (ultimately stupid - remember, my opinion!) "big idea" of this time and place. How long that stupid big idea will be popular and what will replace it I don't know. And, of course, our worsers - not at all our betters! - are egged on by the mainstream media and academics. As to the ignorance of them all, well, I would call them all ignorant, period. Not because of their opinions but their incredibly obtuse inability to see that there are other perspectives which have varying degrees of validity which should be the basis for discussion, not vituperation.
What I DO know is that the current idiocy will change; to what degree and in what direction I cannot predict; it might even become more extreme in the same general direction. What I also DO know is that the current level of mass communication can make populist or anti-populist movements happen more quickly which is perhaps a good or a not so good thing. That is something that I DO NOT know.
Very well-said, thank you!
Jewel, I - somewhat - agree and - somewhat - disagree with your point.
I quite accept that Schwab said what you say he said. Yup. Agreed.
But, so what? To say that they have "infiltrated" governments is simply another way of saying that they have convinced "our worsers" that the WEF has the "real good idea" of our time. But then we already knew that the government is filled with the "useful idiots" [a phrase from a time when there really was a conspiracy] who have drank the WEF KoolAid.
I simply do not accept that Klaus and his acolytes can control things. They come up with all the looney ideas and sell those ideas as being "good" when those ideas are awful but that doesn't mean that they control anything. We, the citizens have the control - if we choose to exercise that control.
Yup, he wrote a book and did endorse the "Great Reset" but then our politicians have already openly said that they believe in that. What we have here is a group of people - government, academia, media, a lot of the population, etc. - who simply have adopted a goofy economic idea but that doesn't make it a conspiracy; it simply makes it stupid.
As near as I can tell, a conspiracy is a hidden thing, something to which one adheres but denies believing unless and until the hidden idea can be sprung on an unsuspecting public, government, etc. These jokers are out front.
Stupid, certainly. Hidden? Not a chance.
Conspiracies are not necessarily hidden, HG Wells wrote the book called, 'Open Conspiracy' I believe, which would be appropriate to this discussion. Conspire, related to the word Inspire, just means to share the same air or discuss privately. Most criminal or unethical endeavours are kept secret, obviously, although sometimes the technique of "put it in plain sight, they will never believe it" is used.
I guess that would make Keynesian economics a conspiracy. It was a radical new economic theory - in the 1930s and 1940s. It became popular and then, ultimately, became mainstream. Or, the economic theories of Milton Friedman or the economic theories of Arthur Laffer - all of them must then be considered to be conspiracies.
Oh, well, what about the environmental movement! Clearly, that is open; just as clearly, it is an attempt to change the world. Is environmentalism a conspiracy?
Much as I would looooovvve to defame the greenies in that way, I just cannot.
You assert that HG Wells backs up your position. I will quote that international arbiter of all things rational, Mr. Google, who defines a conspiracy as, "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful."
I would absolutely argue that the WEF is endorsing something that is harmful to Canada and to the Western World. On the other hand, I would also argue that the Prime Idiot in Ottawa [(you know, the (dis)honorable member for Papineau] is doing a great deal of harm to Canada. Does that make the WEF or the PI conspirators? Nope. They are doing their idiotic and stupid things out in the open and various and sundry Canadians are stupidly and idiotically buying in to them.
In plain sight but not a conspiracy. These guys couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended on them; they trumpet their "virtuous" plans to everyone. And so many people stupidly and idiotically buy in to those plans.
Conspiracy is also a legal term, a very commonly used one. Unfortunately for us laypeople the word conspiracy tends to mean, some wild and highly unlikely event. When it's a routine occurrence. As for the WEF, and to the original point, when people started talking about the WEF a year ago, some journalists and influencers immediately cried CT! Because the idea seemed wild and unlikely to them. However the WEF has a multi million dollar website and video promotion of their plans, hardly a theory. By 2030, we may be in a cashless society, so you will own nothing if they get their way, and they will be happy.
I certainly take your point about the implications of their "plans" but, as you will undoubtedly gather by the fact that I used quotation marks on the word "plans" I do not under any - current - circumstances think that they really are plans. Fond asperations? Desired outcomes? Things toward which they feel the great Valhalla lies? Yes, yes and yes; and yes to much more in the same vein.
The point is, these guys at WEF are dreamers who have persuaded any number of folks in government, academia, the media, citizens at large that they are really, really, I mean really, smart. But they are not. Once some governments start trying to implement some of this idiocy some folks whose ox is about to be gored will start making all sorts of noise and then things will turn.
To what will they turn? Don't know.
What I do know is that these guys - and I truly do include the Prime Idiot - simply don't know what they are doing. Remember, it is truly much easier to destroy a country than to build it up. As a result, these idiots are going to proceed with their agenda until it blows up in their faces, which it will. Then we, the public, will be faced with paying to put Humpty Dumpty together again.
In case you may have missed it, I have absolutely nothing but scorn for the WEF and it's Canadian lowlifes who are trying their best to lead us to a simply awful life.
Discounting let's say... Bigfoot, the lunar landings, Flat Earth and reptilian shape shifters - what conspiracy theories the educated press have rolled their collective eyes at, is not true? It's not that Alex Jones for example needs publicity, he makes millions a month, purportedly, by selling nutritional supplements. An excellent work around for a sick society, held captive by a nutritionally bereft medical establishment. But Alex Jones., for example has been reading news reports from Reuters, the Wall Street Journal etc. every day for 2 decades, that's all he does, and our MSM has contempt for him. They take the easy way out by saying 'gay frogs'. I rarely (take the time) to watch him, but every time I do, I cannot fault him. Jones can run circles around any MSM commentator, because he knows facts, not rumour. Most MSM just parrots rumours given out by the gov't.