That’s exactly right. Perpetuating myths about the dreaded unvaccinated keeps the powers that be shielded from the public backlash because they have a convenient scapegoat. They know it’s bullshit but since it appears to serve political and economic purposes (the backlash is happening and will continue to grow), they are more than happy to trample on the rights of millions of Canadians (approx. 15% of 38 million). It is simply unconscionable.
"" because somehow unvaccinated people spread it more than vaccinated."" the will not let that go because that would be admitting they are FOS
That’s exactly right. Perpetuating myths about the dreaded unvaccinated keeps the powers that be shielded from the public backlash because they have a convenient scapegoat. They know it’s bullshit but since it appears to serve political and economic purposes (the backlash is happening and will continue to grow), they are more than happy to trample on the rights of millions of Canadians (approx. 15% of 38 million). It is simply unconscionable.