I think when people hear the term "Social Justice" they think it's a good thing and automatically along with it. But that's a mistake. Because what they mean by it and everyone else mean are not the same. The New left are radical and intolerant of any opinion opposed to their's. It's like a new religion and its beliefs are not open to debate or discussion. And any who disagree with it are considered heretics.

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Well said. Homeless here! I had a phone call from the NDP the other day, and told them that they lost me. I had been ticked off with the identitarian tendency for a while, but Jagmeet’s support for the emergency measures was the final straw.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022

The modern left only exists because of profligate government funding. Whether social programs that solve nothing, college tuition for social courses that have no market value, or endless pandering to selfish interest groups who have no interest in who is hurt by it. Cut the government funding and the whole left will shrivel because they will never fund themselves.

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"Identitarian moralism." Excellent phrase!

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022

Christopher Columbus proved the world was round by sailing west to get to the east. The same is true in politics: go far enough to the left (socialism, communism) and you come full circle on the right with fascism, when the powerful protect only themselves.

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This illiberal mindset only exists because most people have been cowards in speaking up and out on how bat shit crazy some of their positions are. Take Lia Thomas for example, in the past he would have been labeled as having a mental disorder, but here we are, and he's being celebrated as a champion of women's rights. Another example is the current nominee to the supreme court who's afraid to define what a woman is and she was nominated primarily because she is a woman. It's this kind of liberalism that is the biggest threat to our democracy. Stand up to these loons!

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022

Interesting. This seems to align considerably with Jordan Peterson's views on Post-modernism, particularly the desire to shut down anyone who's going against the current trend. It appears almost Marxist wherein the evil oppressors are intellectual rather than economic. As I near the end of my life's journey I'm grateful that most of it was lived during the best times I think humanity might ever experience. Fortunately I can still live the way I like as long as I filter out most of the noise. Most of my friends are still sane :)

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Just think of them as Mao’s red guards. There is no logic, only rage filled regurgitation as directed by their corporate masters.

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Lost in the word salad of labels is the greater group--the majority of "normal" Canadians who, unrecognized, are not the slugs the elites presume them to be. They are thinkers (when work permits), they pay their taxes (as yet without protest). They are the source of the $10-$12 million raised in just weeks by the Freedom Convoy.

They are the cause for declining charitable donations--particularly to now-discredited universities. They are the folks now adopting "financial antifreeze"--savings beyond the reach of distrusted banks--in reaction to government's unilateral, unwarranted and malicious seizures.

They are the "new right". There are no pointy hats, no racism, no stiff-armed saluting. They are the majority that are about to rise up against the worthlessness of the woke. The Freedom Convoy was just the first. There will be more...many more. Populism--no longer a pejorative--has taken hold in Canada.

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Trudeau is nothing but a hypocrite and a lying tyrant. He took away all of our Charter of Rights Freedoms in Canada and threw protestors in jail, both under false pretenses. He has told the truth about nothing since he was elected and has brainwashed people who don't know any better and has never lived through communism.

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This was a great read. Then I reread it, substituting "right" for "left" and choosing appropriate examples, and it works as well for the other side, too.

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With so many of us politically homeless, could it be time for a new party? First, define ourselves by what we are FOR.

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IAll my life a leftie, now I've given up on "left". The English language has a way of miscommunicating - as in Congressional Oversight Committee. To see those in the current "left" sucking up to authoritarian/corporate power... sigh.

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I agree with this definition and analysis. As an aside I am still puzzled by the fact that modern leftists are so determined not to engage in civil discussion, such self righteous indignation at all who disagree fits well with the fanaticism they display.

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An excellent analysis of the collapse of the left, mostly into narcissism. Christopher Lasch warned about this long ago in his book Culture of Narcissism. I always considered myself as part of the traditional left as you described. But I refuse to join this circus.

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